
Finance Catalogues

Pathways2Resilience has built a catalogue of 57 sources (institutions that provide finance for adaptation) and 78 financial instruments (mechanisms that enable the transfer of funds) for regions to use to support their adaptation efforts.

The catalogue includes a visual overview of source and instruments, as well as detailed information on each, such as advantages and drawbacks, and key considerations for their use, as well as relevance to the Mission’s Key Community Systems.

In addition, the catalogue includes 169 case studies of public and private adaptation relevant to European regions. The elements of the catalogue can be filtered to meet your needs (e.g. by Key Community Systems, types of actor, typical funding sizes, financing strategies or hazards).

The catalogue can be used in isolation, but it has also been designed to support the P2R Adaptation Investment Cycle, and help development of Regional Climate Resilience Investment Plans.

Please find a draft of the Catalogue of sources and instruments and adaptation finance process (PDF)
Please find a draft of the Sources, Instruments and Best Practice Examples Catalogue (Excel)

Future developments

The catalogue will continue to be developed and revised throughout the lifetime of the project. In addition, as part of the Mission, Pathways2Resilience is working with CLIMATEFIT – a project using Financing and Investment Taskforces in 20 Territories to create investment strategies, concrete and scalable investment plans, and bankable transformational investment cases. Together, the teams from both projects will develop and expand the catalogue. Planned enhancements include refining and expanding the definitions of sources and instruments, and the incorporation of additional set of detailed case studies on financial instruments developed by CLIMATEFIT. We will also be hosting CLIMATEFIT’s more detailed deep dive case studies on instruments when they become available.