Co-developing pathways towards climate resilient regions in Europe
Discover how the Pathways2Resilience programme supports European regions and communities along their Regional Resilience Journey (RRJ) through:
of climate change adaptation measures are currently undertaken by local and regional authorities, according to the European Committee of the Regions (2021)
Why foster European regions’ climate resilience?
The climate crisis is already having major effects on everyday life in Europe. We need to pay more attention to the current and future impacts of climate change. Adaptation efforts so far have not yielded enough outcomes while needs have increased significantly, widening thus need for adaptation actions. Regions and communities have a major role to play in enabling rapid and far-reaching change.
Discover the Pathways2Resilience programmePathways2Resilience in a nutshell
allocated in sub-grants to help regions develop transformative pathways to climate resilience via 2 open calls
Innovation Practice Group & Finance Innovation Lab to increase knowledge and conceptualise sustainable adaptation solutions
Regions empowered to identify climate resilience solutions
Latest News & Events
PRO-CLIMATE and Pathways2Resilience Collaborate to Enhance Climate Resilience and Citizen Engagement
In an online meeting, the PRO-CLIMATE and Pathways2Resilience projects initiated a strategic collaboration aimed at improving climate resilience and fostering active community participation in adaptation initiatives.
Premieră! Regiunea Vest, strategie pentru reziliență și adaptare la schimbările climatice
Regiunea Vest este prima din România care va avea o strategie pentru reziliență și adaptare la schimbările climatice, printr-un proiect implementat de ADR Vest.
Regiunea Vest va avea o strategie pentru reziliență și adaptare la schimbările climatice, printr-un proiect Pathways2Resilience
Agenția pentru Dezvoltare Regională Vest a anunțat joi, 19 septembrie 2024, implementarea proiectului „PACT4.0WEST”
2 italiane scelte da Pathways2Resilience, il programma UE per l’Adattamento climatico
Annunciate le 40 regioni parte del primo step del programma europeo Pathways2Resilience per l’adattamento climatico.
40 regiones europeas mejorarán su adaptación al cambio climático en el marco de Pathways2Resilience
Algunas de las regiones y comunidades más vulnerables de Europa están preparadas para realizar avances concretos en materia de adaptación al cambio climático.