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Climateurope2 Webstival: Third edition
Climateurope2 promotes insightful community discussions on the design, use, quality, business innovation, and policy drivers of climate services. Continuing our series of webstivals and festivals,
Drying landscapes: Embracing Water Resilience in a Changing Climate
Droughts have had severe impacts over the past years. This was highlighted by the 2022 compound drought and heat events across Europe costing EUR 40
EIB Adaptation Days
As global temperatures rise, proactive measures are needed to manage the effects of climate change.
22nd edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities!
Preparations for the #EURegionsWeek 2024 have officially started!
Third Forum of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change
Save the date for the Third Forum of the Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change 23 May 2024, Brussels, Belgium
European Urban Resilience Forum 2024 (EURESFO24)
We are excited to announce that on 26-28 June 2024, the 11th edition of European Urban Resilience Forum
10th European Summit of regions and cities
Thousands of mayors, councillors, regional ministers and top European and global decisionmakers will gather in Mons, in the Walloon Region of Belgium, in the heart of Europe, to debate the challenges and solutions for the future of Europe and beyond.
Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit
European resilience funding project call for applications